101. Motivation Challenges: The intersection of PDA, OCD, and Paralysis by Analysis with Jason
In this episode we explore what may appear as laziness or self-sabotage, but is actually a battle with three anxiety-induced barriers. These common barriers overwhelm and frustrate neurodivergent individuals, hindering their progress. Learn how mindful and intentional mentoring can guide them towards taking that leap of faith, break free of barriers, and unlock their motivation. -
100. What Matters Most with Jason and Debbie
As we celebrate our 100th episode of this podcast, we reflect on our difficult parenting journey and compare what we used to think was most important to what we value now. Join us as we share what we've learned matters most. -
99. Navigating Through Essential Developmental Experiences with Debbie
It’s tricky to navigate through essential developmental experiences–even more so with autistic or neurodivergent young people. You may even find that you’re sheltering them from those experiences. What if there was another way? A way in which you and your autistic young person experience less stress and more delight because you’ve been given the tools to do so. -
98. How to Manage Neurodivergent Emotional Dysregulation with Jason
Even with the best of intentions neurodivergent individuals can become emotionally dysregulated. It is a common experience among these young people and it is often misunderstood or overlooked by those around them. Through personal stories we aim to give you the tools to better support your young people in managing their emotions and finding ways to thrive. -
97. Decoding Behaviors: Understanding Your Young Adult’s Developmental Stage with Debbie
Is there a better way to view a child's behaviors rather than by age? Do you find yourself getting derailed when you interpret their behavior incorrectly? In this episode we explore a mindset that facilitates a more positive frame for your expectations for your child. This mindset will help you realize the benefits and importance of viewing their behaviors through a supportive lens. -
96. Prioritizing Relationships Over Behaviors with Jason
We’re all doing our best to raise happy and successful children. Even with the best of intentions, things can go in the opposite direction of what we intended. In this episode, Jason shares a personal story about a negative experience he had while parenting his son and the important lesson in it if you want to improve your relationship with the child, teen, or young adult you're parenting or working with. -
95. How to Effectively Homeschool Neurodivergent Children with Shannon Biancamano
Homeschooling your autistic child allows you to develop individual goals specific to their needs and connect with them on a deeper level. -
94. Emotion Regulation Skill Building with Debbie
Emotional regulation is more than just maintaining a state of calmness. It requires an awareness and the ability to connect. -
93. Co-regulation and Why It Matters When You Parent or Work With Autistic and Neurodivergent Young People
Our role in co-regulation can have a signifigant impact on an autistic or neurodivergent's ability to develop self-regulation skills. Multiple studies suggest this impacts every area of their life and well-being. Are the approaches you're taking offering co-regulation or co-escalation? This matters! -
92. Becoming a Better Mentor with Jason
As you build a foundationally strong mentoring relationship and reach your mentoring potential you will begin to see greater benefits to your mentee because trust and collaboration are evident. -
91. One of the Biggest Barriers to Effective Parenting with Debbie
There are many barriers to effective parenting, but in this episode we’re going to discuss one of the biggest barriers that I frequently coach parents on, judgment. -
90. Attachment and Relationships with Jason
Human nature leads us to naturally impute our own needs and understanding of the world on others, but is this the best method of developing a relationship with your neurodivergent loved one? We often ask questions that aren’t beneficial for that relationship, like “How social are they?” What if instead we asked, “Does my loved one want to interact with others?” With their needs in mind we avoid imputing our own desires onto them, which... -
89. Supportive Mentoring Relationships with Debbie
Why is a supportive mentoring relationship so important? One of the most effective ways to connect and garner trust with our autistic or neurodivergent loved one is by developing this type of relationship. Mentoring is more than just words–It is more than advice. As we tune into their individual and unique needs as a mentor we avoid unrealistic expectations and better position ourselves to support their development and overall well-being. -
89. Supportive Mentoring Relationships with Debbie
Why is a supportive mentoring relationship so important? One of the most effective ways to connect and garner trust with our autistic or neurodivergent loved one is by developing this type relationship. Mentoring is more than just words--It is more than advice. As we tune into their individual and unique needs as a mentor we avoid unrealistic expectations and better position ourselves to support their development and overall well-being. What You'll Learn from this Episode: How to... -
88. Insights with a Therapeutic Consultant with Shayna Abraham
Therapeutic consultant Shayna Abraham has been helping families navigate therapeutic treatment decisions for 20 years & shares great insights. -
87. Severe Mental Illness with Jason
Does neurodivergence automatically predispose one to mental health issues? Why is it so difficult for an autistic or neurodivergent individual to manage mental illness? In a subset of this community, severe mental illness is a very real and debilitating issue. There are steps you can take to mitigate the negative effects of those issues. -
86. Power Struggles with Debbie
Are you parenting from a behavioral or default mode? Is your child behaving or complying out of fear? Are they stuck in a fight-or-flight brain state? Fear and power tactics damage relationships and development in children, especially neurodivergent children. Learn how to parent from a position of connection and collaboration to strengthen your relationship with your child. -
85. When Comfort Now Creates Pain Later with Jason
Neurodivergent children have a more difficult time growing or developing resilience du ring struggles. For this reason, well-meaning parents often create an environment where their children are not challenged, but instead remain in a constant state of comfort. Learn why this creates comfort and family harmony in the short term, but doesn’t provide the skills necessary for neurodivergent children to succeed later in life and how to prevent or change this mistake with your loved one. -
84. How to Love Parenting Your Autistic or Neurodivergent Young Person with Debbie
The challenges that come with parenting autistic and / or neurodivergents can be hard. There may be things you dislike or even downright hate. It's hard to show up and parent effectively when we feel this way. What if you could love your parenting experience? Would you show up differently? Be more effective? Learn how to love your experience and show up in a way that supports your neurodivergent's development and well-being. -
83. Common Mistakes Parents and Mentors Make When Setting Goals with Jason
There are some common mistakes we see parents making when they set goals for themselves or to help their autistic and/or neurodivergent loved ones. Don't make these mistakes! -
82. Parenting Goals Achieved Easier with Debbie
If you want to achieve your parenting goals easier then create a plan to set yourself up for success. Don't rely on will-power alone. Learn how to have more fun and make it easier to work on your parenting goals. -
81. Balance of Power in a Mentoring Relationship with Jason
The balance of power in a mentoring type relationship with a young person is continually adjusting as a child develops into adulthood. As you parent, shifting ownership to them is an important part of their development. When they are autistic and/or neurodivergent and have a different timeline for developmental milestones it can create challenges as they start adulting. Here are some principals to consider when navigating these shifts. See full show notes here: JasonDebbie.com/81 -
80. Choosing Parent / Mentor Goals with Debbie
When one of the children, teens, or young adult's you're parenting or working with is autistic and/or neurodivergent they have higher support needs. Having parental goals is important if you want to meet their needs effectively. Choose a goal and achieve it so that this year looks differently than last year. See full show notes here: JasonDebbie.com/80 -
79. Autism and Co-occurring Diagnosis Issues with Tatiana Matthews
Many of our autistic and neurodivergent children, teens, and young adults are being traumatized, triggered, shamed, and misunderstood because their unidentified needs aren't being addressed in their treatment plans or by their clinicians and providers. Tatiana shares valuable insights from her extensive experience and expertise working individually and in a case management role with autistic and neurodivergent clients with sophisticated co-occuring diagnosis. Some of the topics we discuss with Tatiana include common stereotypes in the mental health... -
78. How to Fail for Success with Debbie
If you want the autistic and neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult you parent or work with not to fail, meaning you want them to succeed with their goals, you'll want to teach and model HOW to fail. The right way to fail. The useful way to fail. How to use fails to succeed. Failing and then shutting down and giving up is a common issue for many or our neurodivergent young people. -
77. Staying Curious with Jason
Staying curious may be one of the essential ingredients to empathy and our ability to connect with the young people we parent and mentor. One of the goals of NDM or Neuro-developmental Mentoring,™️ the approach we developed and teach, is to shift our focus from trying to fix a problem to a focus on mentoring development. To be an effective mentor you you can't fake curiosity. There are nuances to utilizing curiosity effectively. -
76. Shame and Development with Debbie
When our autistic and neurodivergent young people struggle and get stuck and their development slows or stalls out, there's one thing that's usually at the bottom of their struggles. It's not their neurodivergent brain or their disabilities. It's shame-based thoughts, stories, and beliefs they've internalized. They might pick these up from being a neurodivergent in a neurotypical dominate culture and society. Fails, social struggles and their different developmental timeline can also lead them to beliefs shame-based... -
75. Identities as Parents of Neurodivergents with Jason
Are you heading for an identity crisis? When so much is required for supporting someone who is neurodivergent, oftentimes our identity, our labels for ourselves and how we see ourselves turns into a focus on giving and being there for our loved ones. This can create issues for us especially when things shift as they get older. Jason has some great tips for dealing with this. -
74. What You’re Doing That’s Demotivating Them with Debbie
Motivation can be a big challenge. We want our autistic and neurodivergent young people to succeed in what their motivated to pursue, create, and do in the world. One of the biggest mistakes parents and mentors make is in how they're unintentionally demotivating their young person. Learn how to break the patterns that are sabotaging your efforts to support them. -
73. Autism at 18 and Legal Adulthood with Jason
Aging into legal adulthood is not the same thing as developing into an adult who is ready for the rights and responsibilities governmental laws bestow on adults. Our autistic and neurodivergent young people often still need our support and guidance even if they have turned 18, which is the age most states and countries consider by law to be a legal adult. This legal shift can be intimidating especially if you're not ready for it.... -
72. How to Motivate Autistic and ND Young People with Debbie
Jason and I get asked all the time, "How do you motivate them?" The short answer is you can't. But there are things you can do as a parent and mentor to tap into their own desires and support their success while building your relationship in the process. -
71. Giving Your Best or Burning Yourself Out? with Jason
When you are parenting or working with autistic and neurodivergent young people there is a line between giving your best and martyring and burning yourself out. Don't set yourself up for failure. Learn the equation for assessing how much to give and to who. -
70. What Interferes with Development with Debbie
Many of us with good intentions are sabotaging development. Overtime, this can be really discouraging when you've invested your time, energy, emotions, and even money, and your neurodivergent young person is still struggling and not making much progress. Listen in for one of the biggest things we see that gets in the way of development. -
69. Rigidity Issues with Jason
Rigidity issues cause a lot of problems and frustrations for many parents and mentors. When you examine what may be behind rigidity for many autistics and neurodivergents it can be easier to handle and come up with more effective responses. -
68. What May Be Keeping You From Meeting Them Where They’re at with Debbie
We often talk about meeting our autistic and neurodivergents where they're at, which is a great thing for any young person, but becomes especially crucial when someone has a disability or is struggling. And there's one thing that really gets in our way when we're trying to do this on a consistent basis. -
67. The Opportunity in Conflicts with Jason
Problems and conflicts are always going to come up. In this episode, Jason shares an example of how some positive things came from some difficult challenges between some of our students at our school TechieForLife. -
66. Don’t Make This Mistake When Assessing Development & Expectations with Debbie
There are nuances with assessing someone's capabilities that many people miss. In this episode, I share one of the common ways we assess that's causing lots of frustration and disappointment. It sets us up for unfair and dishonest expectations. It can also hinder development. Listen in for what it is and what you'll want to do instead. -
65. Honest Assessment with Jason
The difference between the strengths and weaknesses of our neurodivergent young people can feel frustrating. Passing judgement hurts our relationship. Honest assessment is necessary, but ignoring weaknesses doesn't work. In this episode, Jason shares the approach and philosophy we follow at TechieForLife to support development. -
64. The Art of War (Sun Tzu) with Jason
As parents, teachers, coaches, therapists, etc. who mentor autistic and neurodivergent young people, it can feel like we're at war. We're battling dysfunction, regression, and stagnation. In this episode, Jason shares his favorite quotes from Sun Tzu's The Art of War, and he applies them to mentoring and parenting. We'd love to hear what your favorite quote is from this episode. Email support@jasondebbie.com and let us know which quote resonated for you and why. -
63. Emotional Dysregulation with Debbie
Emotional dysregulation is a core symptom of ADHD and Autism. In this episode, Debbie discusses why neurodivergents are more likely to get emotionally dysregulated, what approach supports emotional regulation, and how we play a role in emotional regulation. Debbie also discusses what you need to detach from to create more attachment and improve your relationship with your child, teen, or young adult. -
62. Factors Compounding the Challenges with Jason
When you're parenting and mentoring autistic and neurodivergent young people, there are several factors that can compound the challenges. Only focusing on one factor can lead to power struggles. This topic often comes up in conversations with parents of our students at TechieForLife. In this episode, Jason offers insights into understanding the factors to be aware of and what solutions are needed. -
61. Mentor Better by Self-Mentoring with Debbie
To effectively and sustainably parent, teach, coach, or work with autistic and neurodivergent children, teens, and young adults, you want to be showing up from a higher brain state not a stressed lower brain state. Self-mentoring is a simple and profound tool to help you engage and recharge your brain so you can access your own wisdom, intuition, and resourcefulness to better mentor and support neurodivergent young people. -
60. Autism Suicide Support with Jason
*Trigger warning, specific talk about suicide. This is a difficult topic that comes up for many autistic and neurodivergent young people. The rates of suicide are higher in the neurodivergent population than among neurotypicals. We are sorry if you are having to deal with suicide or the possibility of it in someone you love. Our goal of this podcast is to support you and the autistic and/or neurodivergent young people you care about. So in... -
59. Enjoy Parenting with Debbie
Parenting or working with an autistic and/or neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult comes with challenges. I want you to enjoy your experience more. I want to support you in showing up as the parent and supporter you want to be. You don't have to wait for things to get better, for your young person to change, or for people to give you the support you need to enjoy things now. Listen in, to find... -
58. Depression in Autistic and Neurodivergent Young People with Jason
There a some common misunderstandings about what depression is and isn't, what causes it, and what helps it. In this episode, Jason offers some important things to understand about depression and especially how it effects autistic and neurodivergent young people and what they need to overcome it. -
57. Autistic Female Diagnosis with Dr. Ingrid Boveda
The male to female ratio of autism diagnosis is approximately 4:1. The diagnostic criteria is based primarily on male samples and does not account for how females present. This may be contributing to later and under diagnosis in females. Dr. Ingrid Boveda recently presented her findings at a conference we attended and we're excited for you to hear from her. We discuss the differences in behavior and tips for better supporting autistic females. -
56. Making Support Decisions with Debbie
When you have a neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult, it can be challenging to figure out what supports and accommodations are helpful or needed. Whether you are completely new to this with a fresh neurodivergent diagnosis or you've been at this a while, I have some perspectives to offer you on this episode to help you approach these decisions with more confidence. Because I know it can be overwhelming to either know where to start... -
55. Avoiding Burnout with Jason
Autistic and neurodivergent children, teens, and young adults need us for the long-haul. When you're a parent, caregiver, or mentor in some capacity it can be easy to get burned out. In this episode, Jason dives in to one of the biggest contributors to burning out for him and offers some tips for combating it. -
54. Your Job is to Meet Your Child with Karen Mabie
Parenting a neurodivergent young person into adulthood can a messy and challenging process. Join us for this episode where we talk with Karen who is an educational consultant and mother to an autistic adult daughter. She shares her perspectives from professional and personal experiences on what we can do to better support our neurodivergent young people and avoid some of the common pitfalls. Some great gems of wisdom you won't want to miss in this one. -
53. Stressed Parenting with Debbie
There are plenty of things to get stressed about when you are parenting a neurodivergent young person. The extra support demands, the crisis that pop up, the unmet expectations and societal judgements, and our own lack of self care to name a few. When we're stressed it's hard to show up as the parent we want to be. I want you to know you don't have to continue parenting like that. Listen in to learn how... -
52. Helping Neurodivergents Develop Their Spark with Jason
How do you know you've done your job to help your neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult develop? We don't necessarily know what their full capabilities and disabilities will be. In this episode, Jason talks about what it can take to help someone with neurodivergent disabilities develop and live their best life. -
51. Turn Fails into Wins with Debbie
Do you feel like you struggle and fail a lot as a parent. Or do you watch your neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult suffer through fails over and over again? How we respond to these fails can actually support development or hinder it making things so much harder. You really can turn fails into amazing wins. Listen in to learn what I mean by this and start experiencing more developmental wins. -
50. When to Remove Yourself from The Equation with Jason
Are you making things worse by trying to be an involved parent of your neurodivergent teen or young adult? It may be time to remove yourself from the parent/child equation. In this episode, Jason explains unhelpful parent/child dynamics that can do damage to your relationship and hinder your ability to influence your teen or young adult. Learn when it's time to back off and when it's safe to go back in. -
49. Building Connection with Debbie
Do you sometimes have a hard time connecting with your neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult? Whether you're neurotypical or neurodivergent yourself, there are many things that might be getting in the way of connection -positive connection that is foundational to effective parenting and mentoring. Listen in as I discuss one of the biggest things that gets in the way of connecting and some simple things you can do to open up your connection despite all... -
48. College Readiness with Eric Endlich Ph.D.
There is an important difference between college capable and college ready. Listen in on our discussion with Eric as we talk about what parents can focus on to prepare their neurodivergent teens for making the transition to college or independence. -
47. Parental Anxiety with Debbie
Are you a worrier? Do you worry about your autistic or neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult? Worrying is exhausting! If you're ready to get off the worry bus and experience more well-being in your life, and parent with confidence, give this episode a listen. -
46. New Diagnosis- Now What? with Jason
Receiving a neurodivergent diagnosis can be confusing. Especially when you get it later in your life as a teen or adult. You may not know how you feel about it or what it means. In this episode, Jason has some perspectives to share with you to help you going forward. -
45. Getting a Diagnosis with Jason
Do you have hesitations around getting your child, teen, or young adult evaluated or diagnosed? Are you worried it will put them in a box? In this episode, Jason addresses some of the common concerns and explains why the pros far outweigh any perceived cons. -
44. Problem Perspectives with Debbie
Life is full of problems and parenting a neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult offers some unique ones. In this episode, I share a different way to look at problems that helps you tap into your best problem solving mode. I also explain why the way you view negative behaviors may be adding to your struggles instead of allieviating them. -
43. Examining Boundaries and Priorities with Jason
If you're not good at having boundaries or clear on your priorities you may be heading for burnout, which doesn't serve you or allow you to continue to be there for those that you love and care about. To effectively and sustainably parent or work with neurodivergent children, teens or young adults, it's valuable to examine what your priorities are and how to protect your emotional resources. In this episode, Jason offers some perspectives and tips... -
42. The Gifts of Different Brains with Debbie
With a neurodivergent brains, there are inherent weaknesses and different timelines for development than typical brains. Neurodivergent young people struggle with some things that typical brained peers don't struggle with or have figured out much earlier in their development. There are also gifts that come from having a neurodivergent brain or raising a neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult. Putting more focus on these gifts helps us see the struggles in a new light. -
41. Finding Joy with Jason
What is joy? In this episode, Jason takes a deep dive into the difference between joy and happiness, and how it plays into our relationships with ourselves and others. For neurodivergent children, teens, and adults who sometimes struggle with relationships and connecting, Jason offers some helpful perspectives to find more joy in relationships. -
40. Navigating Holidays & Big Events with Debbie
Holidays and big events should be fun, right? What's not to love- family, friends, food, festivities, breaks from routines, changing things up, maybe some travel, lots of stimulation, high expectations... Oh wait! No wonder some kids, teens, and young adults, especially neurodivergent ones, struggle, get overwhelmed by it all, or even have melt downs. In this episode, I share some perspectives and tips for having a more positive experience. It's my holiday gift to you. -
39. Being Supportive Vs Enabling with Vashti Summervill
It's sometimes hard finding a balance between helpful support and enabling when you're parenting an autistic or neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult. In this episode, we talk with Vashti, parent coach and therapeutic educational consultant, about effective ways to support development. You'll hear how to go beyond ineffective parenting default modes and opt for connections that cultivates resilience and growth. -
38. Grrr-Attitude with Debbie
If your neurodivergent child, teen, or young adult has a negative attitude or you feel really negative about things, listen in as I share some perspectives on what contributes to all the negativity. I also offer an easy and effective way to counteract it and why you would want to besides just feeling better. -
37. Therapy or Development? Doing Better for Neurodivergent Who Struggle with Jason & Debbie
Join us as we share the recording of a presentation we gave at the Independent Educational Consultant's Association (IECA) 2021 Fall Conference. It's time to rethink interventions for those who are Neurodivergent (ND). ND diagnoses are swelling, shifting, and crystalizing. The latest research is giving better perspectives on why ND diagnoses are developmental differences and not mental health issues. Those who serve this population already know that although anxiety and depression are common, the root... -
36. What Main Goal of Interventions Should Be with Jason
Counseling, medications, and behavioral interventions can support neurodivergent clients, but they rarely address the main goal. In this episode, Jason shares his perspectives on what the goal should be, some pros and cons of classical interventions, and how to better address the main goal effectively. -
35. Building Resilience with Debbie
We're all hearing talk of the importance of developing resilience. Neurodivergent kids, teens, and young adults often lack as much resilience as their neurotypical peers. They're also more prone to feeling stressed than their neurotypical peers when faced with similar events or circumstances. While these sensitivities can be a strength in some situations, it can also lead to overwhelm and shutting down. So, what can you do to help your loved one or mentee build... -
34. Supporting Forward Momentum with Debbie
In this episode, I explain how the stories we tell about past problems can block forward momentum for our neurodivergent children, teens, young adults, and for ourselves. Make peace with your past to free up time and energy for what's in front of you in the present, and break out of old, unhelpful patterns. -
33. Parent or Partner? How Are We in the Relationship Equation?
If you never intentionally make the shift from the parent role to the partner role, it is highly likely the neurodiverse young adult you're trying to help and support will struggle to shift out of the child role. In this episode, Jason explains what transactional analysis is and makes recommendations for how to better support their transition into adulthood -
32. Break Out of the Micromanaging Parent Role with Debbie
If you find yourself doing a lot of exhausting micromanaging of your neurodiverse child, teen or young adult this episode is for you. There may be many reasons you fall into that parenting style and I offer some insights and tips to help you break out the micromanaging trap that isn't serving you or your child's development well. -
31. Rigid Thinking with Debbie
So many of our neurodiverse kids, teens, and young adults are rigid thinkers or have areas they get stuck and inflexible around. It's often frustrating as a parent or mentor to bump up against that rigidity and not be able to influence or get through to our kids especially when they're really struggling. In this episode, I offer some insights to help you navigate rigidity and more effectively support growth and development. -
30. The Power of Frontloading with Jason & Debbie
Frontloading is an effective tool for supporting development and growth in our neurodiverse children, teens, and young adults. In this episode, we explain what it is, why it's so helpful, and how to do it effectively. -
29. Understanding Anger with Jason
Anger can be destructive and hurt relationships. In this episode, Jason explains how anger is a secondary emotion and what emotion is underneath it. He gives tips on how to manage our own anger and how you can mentor neurodiverse young people when they're angry. -
28. When They’re Not Motivated with Debbie
What do you do when your child, teen, or young adult has no motivation to do their homework, help out around the house, have good hygiene, eat healthy, or any of the other less fun but necessary parts of life? Listen in as Debbie explains why the typical approaches don't work in the long-term and what actually does. Debbie also offers four strategies to tap in to your child's intrinsic motivation for long-term growth and... -
27. Tutoring to Turn Learning Challenges into Achievements with Laura Reber
In this episode, we talk with Laura the creator of ProgressParade.com, a website that matches students with expert learning specialists for online special education tutoring so learning challenges can turn into life-changing achievements. Laura explains the problems that come up with a "wait and see" approach and why you want to start interventions earlier. We talk about the important skills a good tutor helps students gain that go beyond learning specific academic content. Laura also... -
26. OCD & Neurodiversity with Jason
With the high prevalence of neurodiverse individuals also having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), it's critical to understand what it is, what it isn't, and how to manage it. In this episode, Jason explains OCD, why it's different from the repetitive Autistic behavior called stemming, and why it's important to understand the root causes. Jason shares the key to knowing how to manage OCD, helpful tips, and the one thing to never do. -
25. How to Know If You’re Parenting Too Much or Too Little with Debbie
It can be really challenging to know if we're parenting too much or too little. Especially when we have a son or daughter, that's neurodiverse and has some developmental delays or extra challenges. When your child enters the adulting transition, it can get even more complicated. How much should we support and how much should we back off? What's helpful and what's not. Too little support and management may hinder their progress because they don't... -
24. Parental Healing with Travis Slagle
Join us for this in-depth discussion with Travis Slagle, the Clinical Director at Evoke Therapy Intensives. Parenting can be really challenging, especially if we haven't worked through our own issues. Parenting a neurodiverse child often adds additional stressors into the mix, bringing our personal issues into the equation. We go into specifics of how that can look and feel in our parenting versus what effective parenting looks like even when we make mistakes, don't have... -
23. Physical Health & Hygiene Challenges with Jason
Why is maintaining good physical health and hygiene such an issue for some autistic and neurodiverse young people? In this episode, Jason gets real about the challenges and negative outcomes some of them experience, and offers insights into understanding what may be behind it. He also shares his experience and perspectives on how to support good health and hygiene and what not to do. -
22. Nurturing Neurodiverse Tech Talent with Eric Pedersen
Join us as we have a conversation with Eric Pedersen, the Dean of Science, Engineering, and Technology at Dixie State University in Southern Utah, who sits on the board of several technology companies, and is a founding partner at our program for neurodiverse young adults, TechieForLife. Eric gets candid about the patterns he sees among neurodiverse students and what supports are needed to help them be successful not only at college but also in the... -
21. 3 Ways to Parent with Confidence Part 3 with Debbie
For part three of Parenting with Confidence, I share a simple yet effective tool and process to help you have the confidence to weather the inevitable bumps and challenges that come with parenting. Join me as I encourage you to examine where you focus your time and energy and consider if it's actually in areas you have control over or not. I explain what area of parenting is always my top priority over everything else... -
20. Learning to Cope with Dalton & Lee Grygla
Join us for this episode as we have a chat with our two oldest boys, Dalton and Lee. They open up about some of the challenges they've experienced and ways they've learned to cope. We talk about adoption, autism and ADHD, social needs, school, work, and more. -
19. Discomfort and Motivation with Jason
Learn about creating an environment where your neurodiverse child, teenager, or young adult has motivation to grow and develop rather than staying comfortably stuck and miserable. In this episode, Jason draws on examples from mentoring students at TechieForLife to illustrate balancing discomfort with growth, building relationships of influence, and the most effective way to promote change. -
18. Employment Resources With Betina Wildhaber
In this episode, we chat with Betina Wildhaber, the author and creator of neurodiversitynetwork.com that consolidates various neurodiversity resources into one place with the goal of enhancing awareness and acceptance for neurodivergents to find meaningful employment and educational experiences. We discuss specific things neurodivergent job seekers can do to better prepare for and find employment. We also talk about the kinds of changes employers are making to their interview processes, training, and incorporation of "universal design" techniques... -
17. 3 Ways to Parent with Confidence Part 2 With Debbie
In part two of Parenting With Confidence, Debbie explains why many parenting strategies give us mixed results and what you can do to improve results. Our best parenting comes from high-quality relationships and that always starts with us and the way we show up for our kids. -
16. TechieForLife Graduates Discuss ADHD
In this episode, Jason and Debbie invited two of TechieForLife's graduates to talk about their experiences growing up and coping with their ADHD and ADD diagnosis. They share some of their struggles, what was helpful, what would have been more helpful in school, and advice and tips for other neurodiverse young people. -
15. Pathological Demand Avoidance With Jason
Is it outright defiance or something else entirely? Knowing the difference can make all the difference in how you approach your neurodiverse loved one. Listen in as Jason explains what Pathological Demand Avoidance, it's prevalence in neurodiverse individuals, and why it's different from Oppositional Defiant Disorder. They can look very similar but have very different root causes, which means different approaches are necessary for success. -
14. ADHD, Autism & Neurodevelopment With Doug Maughan
In this episode, Doug takes us on a deep dive into the latest cutting-edge research on neurodevelopment. We discuss the similarities and differences between ADHD and Autism and the prevalence of having both. Doug explains the importance of understanding cognitive fatigue, how it impacts classroom performance, and answers why and what to do about your child who only wants to eat carbs, starches, and sugars. Doug shares with us the one thing research has shown... -
13. 3 Ways to Parent With Confidence Part 1 With Debbie
Would you like to parent with more confidence and be able to show up as your best self regardless of how your son or daughter is behaving? In this episode Part 1, Debbie shares a simple way you can start getting into a more confident, secure state of being whether you are parenting a toddler or a teenager. -
12. Making Informed Decisions With Josh Doyle
We love working with Josh and you're going to appreciate the perspectives he shares with us in this episode. Josh is an educational consultant who helps families and young people when they're in crisis and things aren't working. He matches young people with the best programs for their needs. He shares important things to consider when you create a launch into adulthood plan for your neurodiverse son or daughter, and points out one of the... -
11. Screen Addiction & Neurodiversity With Jason
In this episode, Jason explains why neurodiverse young people are so susceptible to screen addiction and overuse. He talks about what the real problem is and why taking a sobriety approach to gaming and screen addiction isn't realistic or sustainable. Jason shares what actually helps neurodiverse young people find balance in their screen use and how you can support them effectively. -
10. A Parenting Journey With Patricia & Maximilian
Have you ever felt like you were a bad mom or dad? Have you ever had a professional tell you your child is normal and he will "grow out of it?" We're delighted to share with you this conversation we had with Patricia & Maximilian. -
9. Dropping the Ball with Debbie
Life can feel like one big juggling act, especially when you’re parenting a neurodiverse son or daughter. Do you ever “drop the ball” sometimes or... a lot of the time? If you ever think it’s too much and feel overwhelmed, this episode is for you. Listen in as Life Coach, Debbie Grygla, shares a simple way to lessen your stress and free yourself up to enjoy your life more. -
8. Better Understanding Neurodiverse Females With Caitlin Galt
It's time for some neurodiverse girl talk! We invited Caitlin to come talk about the unique presentation and issues neurodiverse females experience. They're often misunderstood and misdiagnosed or go undiagnosed until later than their male counterparts. -
7. High School Re-do & Developmental Stages Part 2 With Jason
In today's episode, part 2, Jason continues to draw from a presentation he gave at a Young Adult Transition Association (YATA) conference. (In case you missed part one, you can hear it on episode 5.) Jason gets to the heart of why we need to throw out the usual timelines for neurodiverse teens and young adults. -
6. Adult Transition Planning with Joanna Lilley
In this episode, we interview Joanna Lilley, a Treatment Placement and Therapeutic Gap Year Consultant, who helps young adults and their families during the important transition time into adulthood. In our discussion we cover what you can't overlook when considering the transition to college or independence, what to expect for a timeline, and things to consider in your planning. We also talk about the various options out there that may be more effective than struggling... -
5. High School Re-dos & Developmental Stages Part 1 with Jason
In Jason's first solo episode, find out why one of the most successful treatments for neurodiversity actually has nothing to do with treatment. Learn how understanding the developmental model can give you a big start in how to influence lives and be ready for which developmental stage that delays really become apparent. This episode sets the stage for what a high school re-do is and why it's often so needed. -
4. Safe Struggle with Nichol Ernst
Join us this week to learn about a wilderness program that uses the outdoor effect and safe struggle to accelerate growth and results. Nichol is the Executive Director of Summit Achievement in Stow, Maine. You'll gain great insights from him on things you can implement at home. -
3. Neurodiverse Parenting with Debbie
In this first solo episode with Debbie, she talks about some of the challenges in neurodiverse parenting. You love your son or daughter and want them to be happy. You want the best for them, but it's hard to figure it out what to do. There's a lot of conflicting advice and approaches out there. How do you know if you're doing it right? How do you know what's going to help your loved one?... -
2. Getting a Good Psych Eval with Dr. Abby Jenkins and Dr. Todd Corelli
Listen in to our interview with well-respected psychologists Abby and Todd. Find out what goes into a comprehensive psychological evaluation, why is it worth investing in a good one, and hear what they say to those wanting to avoid a diagnosis because of fears around labeling their child. -
1. Neurodiverse Brains with Jason & Debbie
For our first episode, we explain what neurodiversity is, who falls under this description and one of the most important things we’ve learned parenting and working with this population. Join us, as we share why we’re doing a podcast and what you can expect from listening in each week.