35. Building Resilience with Debbie

We’re all hearing talk of the importance of developing resilience. Neurodivergent kids, teens, and young adults often lack as much resilience as their neurotypical peers. They’re also more prone to feeling stressed than their neurotypical peers when faced with similar events or circumstances. While these sensitivities can be a strength in some situations, it can also lead to overwhelm and shutting down.

So, what can you do to help your loved one or mentee build resilience? Listen in as I share some key things to help them turn those moments of stress into growth opportunities.

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23. Physical Health & Hygiene Challenges with Jason

23. Physical Health & Hygiene Challenges with Jason

Why is maintaining good physical health and hygiene such an issue for some autistic and neurodiverse young people? In this episode, Jason gets real about the challenges and negative outcomes some of them experience, and offers insights into understanding what may be behind it. He also shares his experience and perspectives on how to support good health and hygiene and what not to do.

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21. 3 Ways to Parent with Confidence Part 3 with Debbie

21. 3 Ways to Parent with Confidence Part 3 with Debbie

For part three of Parenting with Confidence, I share a simple yet effective tool and process to help you have the confidence to weather the inevitable bumps and challenges that come with parenting. Join me as I encourage you to examine where you focus your time and energy and consider if it’s actually in areas you have control over or not. I explain what area of parenting is always my top priority over everything else and how you can use the tool I share to support you in this area.

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