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Autism & Neurodiversity Podcast

22. Nurturing Neurodiverse Tech Talent with Eric Pedersen

This week, we sat down with our friend Eric to discuss ways to nurture tech talent among our neurodiverse young people. Eric Pedersen, is the Dean of Science, Engineering, and Technology at Dixie State University in Southern Utah. He sits on the board of several technology companies, and is a founding partner at our program for neurodiverse young adults, TechieForLife.

Eric gets candid about the patterns he sees among neurodiverse students and what supports they need to help them be successful not only at college but also in the workforce. We discuss how to improve chances of getting into tech jobs, the tech talent shortage and the attractive strengths neurodiverse students bring to the table. 

You will enjoy the perspectives Eric brings from his 30-plus years of experience as an educator, an entrepreneur, and his mentoring heart. 

22. Nurturing Neurodiverse Tech Talent with Eric Pedersen

What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • What problem Eric has noticed the most among neurodiverse students.
  • What neurodiverse students need in the university setting to be successful.
  • The compounding challenges in the university setting that students face when they haven’t developed social and emotional skills.
  • Why there is a tech talent shortage and how neurodiverse students can be attractive job candidates.
  • How neurodiverse students can improve their chances of getting tech jobs.
  • The huge strengths neurodiverse young people bring that are needed to help solve problems.

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