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Autism & Neurodiversity Podcast

35. Building Resilience with Debbie

We’re all hearing talk of the importance of developing resilience. Neurodivergent kids, teens, and young adults often lack as much resilience as their neurotypical peers.
They’re also more prone to feeling stressed than their neurotypical peers when faced with similar events or circumstances. While these sensitivities can be a strength in some situations, it can also lead to overwhelm and shutting down. 
So, what can you do to help your loved one or mentee build resilience? Listen in as I share some key things to help them turn those moments of stress into growth opportunities.

What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • What resilience is, and what are the signs of poor resilience.
  • What has to happen for development to occur.
  • What we have to tolerate if we want to support the building of resilience.
  • What gets in the way of building resilience.
  • How you can better support resilience and growth during times of stress.

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